Labrador puppy training basics

March 24, 2010

Most of the dog owners think that it would be easier Labrador puppy training when he is a little older, those people couldn’t be more wrong. You see it’s a lot harder to train a grown dog rather than a puppy. A grown dog has probably picked several bad habits over the years, so to him it’s just what he does on the regular basis, and you will have a hard time trying to convince him otherwise. While a puppy doesn’t even know the difference between right and wrong, so when he does something that he want’s suppose to, you can easily teach not to do it ever again (that’s if you know what you’re doing). That is exactly the reason why Labrador puppy training needs to start as soon as possible, for the mutual benefit.

Also Labs and any other puppies respond a lot better to rewards in the form of tasty treats rather than fear. Puppies do not understand a word in English, they learn by our hand movements, the tone of our voices, and even the expressions on our faces. In other words when your new pet does something right, you should pat him, tell him what a good boy/girls he/she is, and reward him with a tasty treat. One thing is for certain that that kind of behaviour will happen again. So always have a treat handy, and best of luck with your Labrador puppy training.

More Labrador puppy training tips here.

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